
You can make a difference!

Iowa Baseball Camp for the Deaf is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization through the Iowa Hands & Voices organization. For individuals, or groups, who would like to make a donation to the camp, please issue a check made payable to:

Iowa Hands & Voices

In the memo line, please indicate IBCD (for Iowa Baseball Camp for the Deaf).

The donations can be mailed to:

Nancy Heuer
IBCD Camp Coordinator
1004 43rd Street
Des Moines IA 50311-3402

If there are any questions or comments, please contact us.

We’ll be happy to provide our tax identification information, if you request it.

In the past, the following businesses and companies (in alphabetical order) have supported the Iowa Baseball Camp for the Deaf.


All logos are listed unsolicitedly.